Talks With Toh + Tohtal Tech

Chris Toh Media. Podcast now available. Tech Advice and Tips on YouTube!

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We attempt to create engaging and positive content


We are not afraid to get technical with all the topics we cover


We are always striving to learn and share knowledge

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Tohtal Tech

Check out our awesome tech tips on YouTube!

Subscribe, engage, and share! Topics include system set-up, machine learning, and more!

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You can leave us a direct voice message and it may even be featured on future podcasts!

Any comments and feedback are welcome!

Loh Down On Science

Listen to Chris's other contributions!

As a Contributing Writer to the Loh Down on Science Podcast & Radio Show, Chris aids in writing, editing, and fact checking the content for the daily Loh Down On Science show.

This show is hosted by Sandra Tsing Loh and can be found on NPR and KPCC 89.3 FM Los Angeles.


Scientific Publications

Find Chris's Scientific Work.

Chris began his scientific career with Dr. Jacob Schmidt and Dr. Shiv Acharya at the UCLA Bioengineering Department. His studies included nanoparticle toxicity and nanopore based protein detection.

Chris is currently working with Dr. James P. Brody at the UCI Biomedical Engineering Department. His studies and PhD work revolve around Big Data in Health Analytics and Machine Learning.

Other Written Works

Chris occassionaly writes more thoughtful pieces on Medium.

Some topics take more time to write about especially when it involves cultural issues. He also writes about software technology here.

Chris will occassionaly find some time to put some of his deeper thoughts in written form. Feel free to check it out!



Check out Chris's coding work on GitHub!

Chris has knowledge in Java, JavaScript, HTML5/CSS, R, MatLab, VisualBasic, and C++!

These repositories represent some of Chris's "public" work. Much of his actual work is unfortunately hidden.

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Our App

We don't have an app yet. But here's a quick little game

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Download CivilizaSim

If you want to play a Java Based Game we are developing one now!

Download CivilizaSim
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    1 Invitation to Record a Segment

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the podcast free?

Yes, who charges for a podcast? Not us!

How can I support financially?

If you do want to support us monetarily you can do so on our Anchor page or on Patreon!

What other content are you planning?

We have other podcast series ideas in the works. Also a video game but that will probably take more time...

Why are you doing this?

I am a person who believes that every human being has God-given value and that we can learn from each other. I am doing this for fun!

Who are you?

I am Senior Software DevOps Engineer and hold a PhD Biomedical Engineering which is arguably one of the most cross-disciplinary fields that has ever existed. It has it's moments!

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Available for all major mobile and desktop platforms. Find us on the major podcasting directories!

*Works on iOS 10.0.5+, Android Kitkat and above.

Irvine, CA 92617 USA